Letters from Home
Previous AFH adopters write these stories. They tell the stories of joy, sorrow, surprise, and – most of all – love that their new family members have brought to their lives.
If you would like to submit your own Letter from Home, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page or send an email to in**@af**********.org.
Cyrena’s Story – Lost n Found

I don’t remember all of my past, but my journey in life was a hard one. I never realized what life was supposed to be like. My owners kept me outside and I remember being hungry, cold, and separated from human forms. I thought this must be normal and this was my life. I gave birth to puppies that I tried to tend to and cannot actually remember how many. Looking back from my life now, I suppose I was another mouth to feed with them and I was taken in the car and dropped off alongside the road. I watched as the car drove off and did not understand why they did not come back for me. I had to go into survival mode, and not sure what happened to my babies. I walked a lot, lost in where I was going and to what I might find. Hunger set in, I found scraps here and there to eat and continued my journey to find a safe place. Days turned in months, and I started to feel sick, tired, and helpless. Worms travelled into my body and ticks and mosquitoes tried to overcome me. When you have a broken heart, broken body and no sense of what to do, I felt myself giving in to death. I did not want to die, but what other choice was there left. After all, I knew what death meant- the end of my existence to this agony and I was ready.
God must have intervened and thought I deserved another chance on life. A car stopped one day and I was so weak they had to carry me. I kept thinking what are they going to do with me, take me to another place to be discarded? My life was a living hell, but I had no choice so I sat relentless in the back seat.
They took me to what I later found out a veterinarian who seemed to understand what had happened to me. I felt hope. They treated me for hook worms and I was invested with ticks that seem to suck the blood from me and my soul. I started to feel a shift of life coming back but then I had to be treated to heartworm treatments that made me weak and lifeless. I did not understand why they were making me sick again. Later I realized had to be sick to be well. I had so many changes going on in my mind and I thought I am being cared for, a new experience for me. They petted me, hugged me and talked me through these weeks and I started to care about something again.. Myself. If they are going to fight for me, I have to get the strength to fight with them. They did a surgery on me so that I could not have puppies anymore. I was grateful because I knew I could not go through losing more babies. I was sore for a bit, but nothing like what I had gone through.
Then this lady came and took me to her house. Why? I thought. Where am I going now. All I knew is that the house was warm in the winter and cool in the summer. I no longer lived outside. I always had food in my bowl and water to drink and best of all, soft places to sleep. I connected with a warm blanket that I needed to have around me for some sort of security I guess. There was another dog there that was so little, and learned from her that I was safe. Safe? Yes I finally thought I am safe.
Months went by and I was content and always like my car rides once in a while gave me a chance to see different things. But we always came back home. A sigh of relief for me, because sometimes those old thoughts came back from that one car ride I had long ago where was dropped off and nobody came back for me. I had to quit thinking about that.
Then in l October my foster mom picked up my blanket and my leash and she was crying. Why was she crying??? I was even more confused. We got in the car a drove for a long time. She kept telling me everything was going to be OK that I was going to my forever home. I thought hard and I was under the impression I was already in a forever home. A home like I never had. A home where I was no longer sick. What did she mean???
We arrived at a house where this nice woman started petting me and I already liked her. See, us dogs know when someone is going to be good to us and those that do not. I heard her talk about losing her black Lab Katie and how sad she was and her dog Sophie was not the same dog. She mourned like a human on losing her furry friend. I wanted to meet Sophie and we smelled each other and started to run around the yard. Wow, what was this?? A big dog that like to run and chase me and me chase her. I had forgotten all about my drive to this place and my foster mom. I had a new friend!! It was only when my foster mom took me in her arms and said Cyrena you are finally at a forever home. She told me she had to be sure I was in a good place and this new MOM and my friend would love me and take care of me forever.
I had to be OK with that decision, but I admit I was scared as well. But all day my new Mom hugged me and she promised she would protect me. She even had me sleep in her bed next to her and of course my new friend Sophie was right thereby me. It was an emotional day for me, but I felt wanted. You see dogs like me don’t get to feel wanted. Within days I had toys I could carry around and Sophie and I played every day and we are inseparable. My mom has not only cared for me, and provided me with good food, treats and hundreds of kisses. Even when she is busy doing something in the house she will stop and give me a hug and kiss for no reason. Now I finally know what my foster mom meant, I was going to my forever home. I have had a rough life, but I try to not look back on how I was treated and how hard I struggled to just stay alive. I think about the love I have every day.
My forever home Mom did not change my name from Cyrena, but if she did I would want her to call me Lucky. Because I am one lucky girl and every night I can fall asleep knowing this will last forever.
Carrot Cake (Winnie)

Mack (Terseas’s Hokie)

Good morning, I wanted to pass along that Mack (formerly named Hokie) is scheduled to be neutered on September 3, 2024. He is doing great! He is such a sweet pup, so smart and getting to be a big boy (just over 50 pounds). He loves his big sister Millie; they have a great time playing and running around together. They enjoy their daily walks together as well. We are so happy he is part of our family! Sharing some pictures! In case you wish to share with other adopters from Teresa’s litter, we did a DNA test on Mack just to see what his dad may have been – Results are attached!
Thank you, Page
Cooper Living His Best Life

Dozer (formerly Cooper) has had an exciting first three weeks! He has made himself at home, been on lots of walks, befriended many doggy pals, bonded with his sister Nova, gone swimming (twice), attended some training, and went on his first camping trip! During his trip, he enjoyed the lake, lunch in downtown Gettysburg, the farmers market, walks around the fishing pond, chilling by the campfire, and his new favorite activity- golf cart rides!
Roman – Cutest Dog!

Roman joined our family in October 2017 and was our first “baby”. He was exactly what our family needed, and is the perfect mix of smart but goofy, and incredibly loyal. He spends his days lounging by the open windows, chasing squirrels, hoping for belly rubs and is always on guard to protect us from the Amazon or FedEx truck. Roman is such an integral part of our family, we can’t imagine life without him! Roman also recently won the “Cutest Rescue Pet in Fauquier County” so naturally, we want to celebrate him!
Scrappy (Smokey Girl) – Amazingly Well

Trevor Update

Dear AFH: A happy update from Trevor (aka Baxter adopted 2014). Trevor will turn 10 years old in March 2024 and we would like to share our happy news to celebrate his wonderful achievements. With titles in obedience, rally, Fast CAT, parkour, and trick dog – we have had a great run. Last year we decided to get our feet wet in agility with Trevor at the “young” age of 9 years. He was by far the oldest dog in his class. He took to it eagerly and seems to love it. We were thrilled to earn our first agility titles November 2023 (see pic). Trevor is the first mixed breed dog ever to earn the Extreme Versatility Dog Program’s XVE (Excellent level) title, acknowledging his achievement in a wide variety of sports. He is the first mixed breed in the U.S. to earn their XV50 title – that’s 50 verified titles overall. So proud of him, starting as a reactive and shy dog, and becoming then a confident and steady boy he has become. My best buddy.
All the best to AFH and all our friends, Diana Hong & Trevor
Daisy (Annabelle) – Precious Girl

Hi, just wanted to update you all on this beautiful little girl — formerly known as AnnaBelle – she’s Daisy now and she’s happily settled into her new forever home and she is loved very much!! She has a wonderful vet and a very caring doggy dad and they have both gotten her chronic ear infections under control so she is feeling much better! She really enjoys her multiple daily walks and she has friends wherever she goes — the neigborhood loves her! On four separate occasions, she was the first dogs these folks ever touched — she’s very gentle and kind! One lady actually had her husband stop the car when she saw us walking Daisy so she could come over and get some “Daisy-love”!! She makes us all happy! Thank you to the volunteers for saving this precious dog and taking such good care of her until she came home to us!!
Kasey (Maddie’s 8 Lilly) – So Loved
Kasey instantly became part of our family. She is so sweet and loves playing in our backyard. She also loves to cuddle and playing with all her toys. We are so happy that we found her after losing our rescue Harley to cancer in October. Thank you!

Luna (Dee Dee) – Special Family Member

My name is Lily, my family and I adopted a dog in 2021 from A Forever Home. We rescued Luna (original name was Dee Dee) and now she is a special member of our family. After our other dog passed away two years before, we were ready to open our hearts to a new family member. We spent weeks searching online for a dog, and when we saw her picture, we knew she was the one for us. Luna is a happy, silly, smart, loving, energetic girl who loves squirrels, peanut butter, belly rubs, hikes, and she brings a smile to our faces every day. She makes our lives whole and is a little ray of sunshine who brightens our lives every day. Luna lives in Tennessee with me now where we are exploring new places and meeting new people (and dogs!). Thank you AFH for bringing us together, we love Luna and we are forever grateful to have her as a part of our family.
Lily, Pamela, and Thomas