A Forever Home Rescue Foundation

Finding forever homes for dogs in need

Sapphire Puppies

Bucket full o’ Sapphire cuteness!

Snow Globe Olaf

Snow Globe Olaf

What a gorgeous little guy!

Orphan Jersey

Cee Cee

Cee Cee is a great dog. You need to meet her!


Walker is a big, loveable boy that enjoys playing.  He enjoys people and other dogs. He has never met a stranger and is just a big, loving lug. You could not ask for a better dog!

Puppy Love

Puppy Love!

Ash (Bejamin) – Will Be Missed Forever

On a beautiful sunny spring afternoon in 2008, I met Ash for the first time. He was so shy and quiet, and I fell in love with him immediately. I grew up with dogs, and had always wanted one since I had moved out on my own. My oldest daughter, Lily, was born Oct of 2007, and I wanted her to experience growing up with a dog.  Together Ash and Lily grew, until my youngest daughter, Abigail, was born Feb of 2011. He was immediately just as protective of her, as he was Lily. He always stayed by their side, keeping an ever vigilant watch of them both. He was always there to play with them, or to cuddle on the couch. He was always there to lick their tears, or great them enthusiastically whenever they came home.

Trevor – Reaching Higher Than Ever

Dear AFH: We just had to share with our friends at AFH.  Trevor (formerly “Baxter” adopted 2014 from AFH) earned a 2021 national ranking in obedience competition in the Companion Dog Sports Program (CDSP).  He is ranked #12 in Open A class in the country!   He is nearing 8 years of age and with patience and consistency early in his life, has overcome his reactivity and anxiety to become a wonderful dog and my best friend.  He has gone farther than anyone could have dreamt and we are so proud of him. Thanks for letting us share our good news!

Yours, Diana Hong & Trevor

Ovie – Loyal for So Long

Dear AFH….  I am a big fan of your organization, and have adopted a couple dogs from you over the years….  Emily….cared for Ovie ….until he became ill with an aggressive form of bone cancer.  We had to send him over the rainbow bridge on Dec. 23.  My Vet was unable to come to him when the time came, so we called Peaceful Passage, who sent a wonderful vet to us and helped Ovie pass at home.  He was 14 years old, and was a wonderful protector/pet/soother to Emily for all of those years.  Ovie was dog aggressive, but got along with his pal Holtby (seeing a name pattern here?), and didn’t get along with a lot of people, but those of us he loved, he loved fiercely.  He was a wonderful dog, and I am glad my daughter had him and his loyalty for so long.  I am sure that when she is ready to look for a pal for Holtby ( a stray found along the side of I270), she will come to you guys first.  Thank you for all that you do.

Nugget – Only Son, Best Friend

It’s with the deepest pain imaginable that I notify you of the passing of my only son, best friend and companion. There are no words to express my sadness and desolation, I miss him every second 24/7. I adopted Nugget from AFH March 8, 2010. He was the Alfa of the twelve puppies named after the California Gold Rush litter fostered by Marilyn Christensen. 

Thanks again for allowing me to take care of wonderful Nugget!!! 😭

Zoe Maiden of Honor!

Good morning…We got married on October 1 and decided to do a donation for each guest that attended in lieu of favors. We got our dog Zoe through you all and therefore your organization holds a special place in our hearts!

X Box One X Raffle – We Have a Winner!

The winner of our Xbox one raffle is Farahnaz Perkins!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the raffle. We brought in $5,665.00 which is very much needed for the rescue. We are truly grateful for so much support for our mission of Finding Forever Homes!

We hope everyone has a great holiday season no matter what holiday you celebrate and a wonderful New Year!

Caroline – So Very Much Missed

We adopted Caroline (kept her original name) from AFH in February 2012 when she was 10 weeks old.  Our daughter Tara (7 at that time) picked her out of the litter and just fell in love.  Caroline quickly had us all wrapped around her paw and quickly became the ruler of the house.  Shortly after we adopted her our daughter became ill, for which we later found out she had brain cancer.  Caroline knew that Tara needed her and would be right there with her when she wasn’t feeling well.  She let Tara use her as her pillow and stayed by her side throughout it all.  We later added another dog to our family and Caroline quickly took over the mother role and showed Annie the ropes on how to do things.  Shortly before Caroline turned 10 (11/20/2011)  her back hips gave out and she was no longer able to move on her own.  So with heavy hearts we had to let her cross the rainbow bridge on 11/22/2021.  We miss her so very much but know she is no longer in pain.  Thank you to AFH for bringing Caroline into our family.

Blake (Gatsby) – Kind and Gentle

Good afternoon,

We were reading one of your newsletters this morning. We thought it would be nice to provide an update on Blake (formerly Gatsby). We adopted Blake from A Forever Home in June 2011. In March 2022, he will be 11 years old. He has been an amazing dog and companion for the past decade. About two weeks after adopting Blake, we adopted another dog, Clay. My friend from high school found him running on the interstate. They have grown up together and remain the best of friends. In 2014, we adopted Dixon and he completed the trio. Unfortunately, Dixon had to be put down in May 2021 due to non treatable health issues. Blake and Clay have adapted well and continue to live very active and social lifestyles. I am including a link of pictures of Blake. We confirmed via DNA he is a mix of Great Pyrenees, GSD and Boxer. He is the most kind and gentle dog we have ever shared our lives. I am attaching the picture of Blake the day we saw him at the adoption event in Springfield, VA. We now reside in Blacksburg, VA where Blake and Clay enjoy visiting Virginia Tech daily.

Pictures of Blake: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AqbAejZiDUfx9E8RoPgLbel_1i1e

Regards, Crystal