Letters from Home

Previous AFH adopters write these stories. They tell the stories of joy, sorrow, surprise, and – most of all – love that their new family members have brought to their lives.

If you would like to submit your own Letter from Home, please reach out to us via our Contact Us page or send an email to in**@af**********.org. 

Casey (Kalie) – Rescue Dog!

Dear Forever Home, My name was Kali as a young puppy 2012 when my Mom and Dad, Sheryl and Larry, found me through A Forever Home after a raid on a puppy mill down south. Now I am 18 pounds of Casey and since then I have been busy learning about 20 tricks, including falling “dead” when you shoot me with your fingers (it’s ok, I’m not really hurt!). I just had a little surgery on my knee, but am doing great and have returned to toy throwing, going walkies and enjoying my new memory foam beds all over the house (I’m not spoiled, really I’m not!) I’m just as much fun and joy as I was as a pup. My Mom makes fun images of me, thought you might these! Love to all you doggie parents and saviors!

Casey, Sheryl, and Larry

Lucy (Monica’s Belle)

Hi, We adopted Monica’s Belle in November. She now goes by Lucy and has settled into our home and our hearts very well! We graduated from Puppy Kindergarten class this evening and thought we would share a photo of the goodest girl 😉. Thank you for all the care you guys gave her. I know she had a wonderful foster Mom in Tricia (who I believe went on to adopt Lucy’s brother Thor). The strong start she got in her foster home has gone a long way in making her a success. 

Violet Loving Life!

Hi, A Forever Home, Y wanted to send you a pair of recent photos of Violet, formerly Cluster Springs Daisy, adopted in May 2019. She is doing well and is loving life! She loves her Whimzies and toys! Lori

Cuddle Bug

Hello it’s been a long time since we have spoken. My husband just asked me tonight when we got cuddle bug thought I’d enjoy sending you a picture of her. She’s getting old and all gray but very energized still and has become my husband’s dog. What a change since she did not like men.

Hope you’re doing well take care.


Ally (Franny)

I wanted to shoot a quick email to you all. We adopted Ally (formerly Franny) from you all 16 years ago this April… She will be 16 this april, still walks, still sees, and is still going…I’ve attached a few pictures taken tonight. My wife and I were just dating back then and have been together the entire time. She has had a great life and things have gone really well for us so we have had a lot of resources to take care of her. If she has a sore shoulder she gets an xray, if stiff joints she gets treatment, she’s been on higher end dog food her entire life and we have spared no expense taking care of her.



We adopted our pup, Cooper (previously, Mini-Coop), through AFH back in 2019 and he has changed our lives. We couldn’t be more thankful.  Best, Katherine 

Moe (Happy) – Golden at Heart!

I adopted Moe in Aug 2012. He is now 11 yrs old and is such a good and happy dog. I was told he was a terrier mix, but I had my suspicions that if there was any terrier it was a very small piece. Since I have had him, everyone wants to know what is his makeup. Most people see lab. So I just had his DNA done, and surprise, surprise, as you can see he is almost 1/2 golden retriever. He is also golden in his heart. Because he is so calm and loves people, Moe is certified through Fairfax County Dept on Aging as a therapy dog. We volunteer through Pets On Wheels and have visited assisted living communities for the last 8 yrs, excluding the Covid years. His favorite activity is to cuddle for hours. I just wanted to give you an update on such a wonderful dog you rescued and I adopted.

Bella and New Sister Roxy

Bella went to her new home yesterday and they sent me this picture this morning . This is Bella and her new sister Roxy

Ponyo and Pinto

Our two amazing trouble makers Ponyo and Pinto that we adopted through you!