Penny (Precious) – Greatly Missed

I just want to let you all know that the dog we adopted from you in 2009 passed away last week. Known originally as Precious, we adopted her from A Forever Home in 2009 and renamed her Penny (Penelope Louise.) She was my first dog ever and a true member of our family....


We adopted our pup, Cooper (previously, Mini-Coop), through AFH back in 2019 and he has changed our lives. We couldn’t be more thankful. ...

Moe (Happy) – Golden at Heart!

I adopted Moe in Aug 2012. He is now 11 yrs old and is such a good and happy dog. I was told he was a terrier mix, but I had my suspicions that if there was any terrier it was a very small piece. Since I have had him, everyone wants to know what is his makeup. Most...

Sweet Benny (Manny)

It was a magical night in 2008 when our family met at Petco in Chantilly to bring  home our sweet Benny (one of the golden quads named Manny by Aforeverhome).  Our oldest son was 4th grade, middle son  2nd grade and youngest daughter kindergarten....

Rover – Dog Ambassador

Rover was the name he came with, and we never found a reason to change it.  We adopted him from A Forever Home in March 2013 when he was three.  Our first adventure together was a walk around the Tidal Basin to see the cherry blossoms.  Rover...