
We wanted to share with you the sad passing of Sandy (adopted as April…10/11/2009) on 10/7/2024. Sandy lived a great life for 15 years and 2 months. She was born on 7/31/09 and came from Fayetteville, WV where you found her. She blessed our home for 15 + golden...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We want to thank our donors for their support and our volunteers for their tireless efforts. Your dedication has made 2024 a successful one, giving our dogs and pups the love and care they deserve until they find that special place caled A Forever...

Buster – Love Forever

It is with heavy hearts that we report of the passing on 11/12/2024 of our beloved Buster, a member of the Golden Septuplets litter born 6/21/2009. We wasted no time getting to his foster mom’s house ASAP, and she correctly predicted he’d be the first to go due to his...