A Forever Home Rescue Foundation
Finding forever homes for dogs in need
Look Who Went Home!

Look Who Found Their Forever Home!

Raffle Winner Announced
A Forever Home Rescue was the happy recipient of a football signed by Chase Young, donated by one of our volunteers. We had a great turnout on raffle sales, raising over $700!
The winner of this wonderful prize is…Sherry Long! Congratulations Sherry and a sincere thank you to everyone who bought tickets. We are indeed grateful for the support of our mission called A Forever Home!
Santa Paws

Santa Paws was a complete success. AFH would like to thank Pender Pet Retreat for hosting us and providing cookies and cocoa for attendees. We enjoyed meeting all the families and their doggies. It was also great seeing so many of our adopted babies with their forever families. We made well over $640 in funds that will go to help AFH finding loving homes to more deserving dogs and pups. Happy Holidays to everyone and we can’t wait to do it again next year!
Happy Hanukkah

Forever Tails – November 2023

It is hard to believe the holiday season is here, with Thanksgiving is just around the corner! In this newsletter we have lots of goodies. We highlight Cookie and the Culvert Pups hoping to find their forever families. We also spotlight some of our favorite volunteers: Amanda Davis, Denise and Marleny Spencer, Luke Portofe, and Shena Jocuns. We have in Memory of Scruffy and Jenny, and a Letter From Home from Luna. There is also a nice article from our new friend Reuben Hothersall on the dangers of overfeeding your pet and finally highlights from our Casino Night! Click here to read all about it.
Please Give Today – Giving Tuesday!
Today is the day! Our goal is to raise $40,000 this Tuesday and so far we have raised $5,000! We are so grateful for the support, but know we can do better. Please help us to continue our life saving work. Help us find homes for abandoned pups, pregnant mommies, orphaned doggies, lost pets, and all of those helpless lives that end up in shelters where they have no chance. Give them all the hope of finding that place we call A Forever Home! Donate at https://to-afh.org/Donate

Happy Thanks Giving

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your ongoing support. In the spirit of the season, there will be no adoption event Saturday November 25th to give our dedicated volunteers a well-deserved break to spend Thanksgiving with their families. Contracts will still be signed as scheduled. We hope you have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you at our next event December 2nd. Wishing you a joyous Thanksgiving week!
Look Who Found Their Forever Homes!

Casey (Kalie) – Rescue Dog!

Dear Forever Home, My name was Kali as a young puppy 2012 when my Mom and Dad, Sheryl and Larry, found me through A Forever Home after a raid on a puppy mill down south. Now I am 18 pounds of Casey and since then I have been busy learning about 20 tricks, including falling “dead” when you shoot me with your fingers (it’s ok, I’m not really hurt!). I just had a little surgery on my knee, but am doing great and have returned to toy throwing, going walkies and enjoying my new memory foam beds all over the house (I’m not spoiled, really I’m not!) I’m just as much fun and joy as I was as a pup. My Mom makes fun images of me, thought you might these! Love to all you doggie parents and saviors!
Casey, Sheryl, and Larry