A Forever Home Rescue Foundation

Finding forever homes for dogs in need

Sapphire Puppies

Bucket full o’ Sapphire cuteness!

Snow Globe Olaf

Snow Globe Olaf

What a gorgeous little guy!

Orphan Jersey

Cee Cee

Cee Cee is a great dog. You need to meet her!


Walker is a big, loveable boy that enjoys playing.  He enjoys people and other dogs. He has never met a stranger and is just a big, loving lug. You could not ask for a better dog!

Puppy Love

Puppy Love!

Fosters Needed for Moms and Pups

We have so many foster needs for mommies and pups. Just one of them is Cookie. She is a beautiful 3-year old Cur mix. She weighs 30 pounds. This precious girl had 12 puppies on 3/27/21. They will be 6 weeks old when they arrive and they can go home when they are 8 weeks old. Her owner was moving to Las Vegas from Louisiana and claimed that the puppies weren’t nursing (which wasn’t true) and wanted to dump them with our rescue partner and take mom with her. The puppies were just a few days old. Our rescue partner wasn’t going to let that happen and took in the whole family.

If you can help Cookie or any of our available mommies and pups, please e-mail [email protected]. We would love to have you join our team and save all of these innocent babies and moms.

Goodbye Isis (Gumdrop) – Constant Companion

To A Forever Home – 

In 2007, I adopted a puppy that I named Isis (her original name was Gumdrop). For 14 wonderful years, Isis was my constant companion. We walked for two hours or more per day! 

Isis was part beagle, part whippet, so she loved to sniff and loved to sprint. She obsessively chased squirrels and frequently asked for snacks. She provided our family with lots of love and cuddles. 

Isis was sweet and gentle to the end. We said goodbye to her on April 2, 2021, but she will remain in our hearts forever. Thank you for giving us this wonderful gift!


New Arrivals and The Need for Foster Families!

Carman’s pups are just one litter of pups that arrived on our transport Saturday. A total of 43 lives were saved and all are now looking for their forever homes. All of these dogs made the long ride from rescues in the Gulf Coast area where they are experiencing a boom of puppies, along with many adult dogs that are always in need of rescue. AFH is looking for new foster home providers to help us keep with this critical situation. If you would like to foster, please e-mail [email protected] and we will get you more information.

WallE (Bowser)

Hi Carmen, I just came across some papers from A Forever Home. Thought I’d share some pics of our boy. He was previously called Bowser (born 6/26/20) He’s doing great!
Thank you!

Virtual Fundraiser Success!

A Forever Home was the recipient of a $1,700 donation from Edward Ice’s 5K Virtual Fundraiser. Edward is a junior at Marshall HS and held this event to raise money for AFH “because I know how much my dog is loved and it saddens me to think of all the dogs who do not have a loving family.” This was a wonderfully creative idea and we are so grateful for all who participated. We are also thankful to Edward for making our dogs the recipient of this generosity.

Edward and Maribel with Check and 5K T-Shirt