Meet Charlie

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Candidate Information

Species: Dog Breed: Supermutt
Age: 1 Gender: Male
Campaign Manager: Allison Lawrence

Candidate’s Platform Statement

Hi, I’m Charlie, a proud AFH Alumni. My sisters and I were fortunate to enter AFH at a young age and were fostered by a sweet family. I must admit, one special member of our foster family and I knew from the moment we saw each other that we would be together forever, and she adopted me! I enjoy adventure and meeting new people. I have not met a person who I have not attempted to befriend.

I love people so much that walks and other outings take extra time because I want to say hi to everyone. I am as passionate about people as I am about naps. I have learned to embrace the chaos of my siblings. My favorite thing to do is brighten people’s day. I always look for ways to make people smile, whether being goofy or falling asleep on someone’s lap.

Vote Purchase

Voting is complete! The winner will be announced on February 1, 2025. Check the results at