Sam – Our Sweet Boy

In 2009, our sweet boy Sam came into our lives. He was such a little love bug. No one that met him could ever do anything but fall in love with him. The giver of a thousand kisses and passionate cuddle-bug, Sam just had a way to make everything that much better. He...

Our New Family Member Skylar

Hi Patti, Just wanted to update you on our new family member, Skylar…You’ll be comforted to know that Skylar has quickly worked her way into our hearts.  She is the sweetest pup ever and so bright and responsive.  She is friendly and affectionate...

Sweet Kikoman (Tootsie)

It profoundly pains me to write this, but my sweet Kikoman (formerly Tootsie) crossed that rainbow bridge on August 28th, four days before her 13th birthday. Those of you who met Kiko knew how special she was. If you were not familiar with her, I wish you could...

Cody (Giovanni) – Truly Missed Every Day

We adopted Cody February of 2006. He came from a litter of 9 pups from West Virginia (see attached story from AFH). At the time we met him, his name was Giovanni, but he quickly took to Cody. When we first met, I sat in the pen with his brothers and sisters and he...

Blitz – A Real Angel

I adopted Blitz in May of 2011. He gave me the most perfect LOVE I have ever known; he was a REAL ANGEL, a magical dog… so magical that on the evening of his passing he sent me a rainbow (see picture) to let me know he made it to Rainbow Bridge.  Thank you AFH...