Sammy – Best Dog Ever

Sammy became a member of our family in July 2012. It was love at first sight. Our 3 daughters picked him out at an adoption event within only a few minutes, and they could not have made a more perfect choice. He completed our family, and he provided us with so much...

Raffle Winner Announced

A Forever Home Rescue was the happy recipient of a football signed by Chase Young, donated by one of our volunteers. We had a great turnout on raffle sales, raising over $700!  The winner of this wonderful prize is…Sherry Long! Congratulations Sherry and a...

Santa Paws

Santa Paws was a complete success. AFH would like to thank Pender Pet Retreat for hosting us and providing cookies and cocoa for attendees. We enjoyed meeting all the families and their doggies. It was also great seeing so many of our adopted babies with their forever...