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Game of Thrones Stormy

Female (Altered) — Date of Birth: 11/09/2014 (10 years old (Senior))
Labrador Retriever / Great Dane Mix
This adorable group of puppies are 5 weeks in this picture. They all gained well over a pound, except Stormy who gained exactly 1. Sylvester gained the most and is still surging ahead of his sisters. He weighs almost 6.5 pounds. Stormy and Sansa are 5.75 pounds. Smuckers is just over 5.5 pounds. They are active and fun and truly play with us now. Blacky has turned out to be a wonderful mother despite her young age. She tolerates a lot of annoying behavior these days 🙂 And she is returning to her sweet self with other dogs (our guy and our neighbor dog who sometimes comes to say hi when we take her out in the yard).