Male (Altered) — Date of Birth: 04/04/2003 (21 years old (Senior))
Chihuahua Mix
I am Benito, a 4.5 lb, white and tan Chihuahua. I also answer to Benny. I came from a trailer home where I was rescued with 41 other dogs and that was after my puppy mill days. Thanks to AFH, I am really enjoying my new foster home. I get held and kissed and fed well. The other dogs are cool as are the teenage boys in the house. My foster mom thinks I will do best in a home with another dog(s). I have learned to leash walk, a totally new experience, and get braver each day. My favorite thing to do is to be with my foster and I follow her everywhere except to work, not that I don? want to! I may be small, a bit scared, and without a whole heck of a lot of teeth, but I do have a great deal of love to give!!!!