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Big Chloe

Female (Altered) — Date of Birth: 12/22/2006 (17 years old (Senior))
Poodle (Miniature) Mix
Won't you ask this wallflower to dance? Hi everyone let me introduce you to Chloe. Chloe is a lovely, shy, girl who wants nothing more than to be in your company. She loves just sitting at your feet wherever you happen to be. She loves being picked-up and held - all 18 pounds of her. She just learned to walk up stairs and now that she has a harness she really enjoys getting outside and sniffing the smells of her new world. Chloe is an exceptional car passenger, rarely barks, is a joy to groom and bathe, and is housebroken. She loves all people but just needs to be approached gently at first. She lives well with other dogs but she isn't really into playing just yet. Her eyes were so very sad at first but as she settles into her foster home and knows she is loved, safe, and will no longer be forced to breed she is getting a bit of a sparkle back. Please don't pass her by just because she looks sad. She is waiting for you to help her get her smile back.