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Nicole and Nina

Female (Altered) — Date of Birth: 12/31/2007 (16 years old (Senior))
Beagle Mix
Nicole and Nina are lemon beagle mix pups. The girls currently weigh 16lbs and are pretty much full grown. These two girls are special needs pups. They came from a hoarding situation at a young age and it has been determined that they both have breathing issues. Nina has a narrow wind pipe and Nicole has blackened lungs. They are also currently being treated for Demodectic Mange. They are very happy girls but need families that understand their specific handicaps. The girls need a calm, non-smoking living environment. They are not fully housebroken but we are working on it. Their activity level needs to be monitored and they need to have limited time exposed to the outdoors. Basically they are like asthmatics. They get winded and out of breathe quickly. Nina and Nicole have a lot of love to share and deserve as full a life as they can have. Pictured here is Nina who is adopted. Now it is Nicole's turn.