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Male (Altered) — Date of Birth: 08/14/2005 (19 years old (Senior))
Beagle Mix
Hi my name is Chopps. I? not quite sure where I got my name, but if you ask me it does not seem very fitting. Of course who am I to complain as long. As someone gives me some food I?l answer to just about anything. I am a 4 month old Beagle mix and what a sweetie I am too. I am very small and short legged like the Beagle, but I have a slight reddish tint to my solid tan coloring that I? not sure where that came from. My foster mom just picked me up and had to give me a bath. I was a real trooper. I admit I tried to struggle at first, but once I kept on getting praised for staying quiet I just waited as patiently as I could. I? afraid I am not housetrained or crate trained yet, but if you give me time/patience and lots and lots of praise for going outside, I promise I will learn. I still have a lot of puppy energy, but hey I? still a puppy. I should settle down some, once I reach a year a two. I seem to get along pretty well with other dogs; it took me a little while to get used to my foster mom? loud dogs. Even so, they are a lot of fun to play with when they are not so loud. My fellow foster brother is also a lot of fun, despite how big he is--of course all the dogs are bigger than me. My foster mom has not seen me pick up a toy yet, but I? still learning. Maybe I will learn after watching foster brothers and sister. My foster mom is still trying to get to know me, so please stay tuned or e-mail my foster mom for more information. My foster mom did notice that I appear to be willing to meet anyone and I like to give kisses too. I may even whine (more like a purr if you hear me closely) in excitement when I get lavished with attention. At least I know that I am loved as I try to find my a forever home. Are you willing to be my new mom or dad?