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Alana Drive Jax

Male (Altered) — Date of Birth: 07/12/2023 (13 months old (Young))
Boxer / Mountain Cur Mix

This fun pup, Jax. A little bit jock, a little bit prep, and a whole lotta love. Some liken his unique ear style to a comb-over, but we find it more resembles something between the Harvard Clip and a Pompadour. He has the “looks” but that’s not all. Jax is gentle, stoic, and energetic. Loyalty comes naturally to him. This playful guy is smart. He’s dedicated to house-training and enjoys the great outdoors. Want to teach a boy fetch? Have a hiking companion? Adopt Jax and you’ve got yourself a great best friend for life. If you don the style between a comb-over and pompadour, you've got yourself a twin. If you want a cuddly, fun-loving dog, it's Jax for the win.