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B - Boston Pups

(Altered) — Date of Birth: 01/18/2013 (11 years old (Senior))
Boston Terrier Mix
These are the B Bostons: Bentley (m), Beana (f), Biscuit (f), Boston (f), Blu, Button (f), Butch (m), and Brandy (f). They are just adorable. Boston is the biggest in our group, but seems to be very laid back. She seems calm, and lets the others jump allover her patiently. She enjoys being held and snuggled, and her markings are gorgeous! She is soft like a little bunny. Blue button is the smallest but she has the most energy. She is the one that runs the house. She is very playful and will be the one to let you know when it's time to go outside. She is spoiled and very curious. Butch on the other hand is very shy and lets the girls jump all over him. I love Butch. He is always right at your feet and the first to the door to go outside. He loves to rubbed and held. Brandy, well she is very out spoken, a ball of fire but it is all show. She makes us laugh. She will try anything -- just a dare devil. She loves to be held as do all of them. Who ever adopts any of these pups will be very happy. Beana, Biscuit, Butch and Bentley, Boston, Brandy, Blue Button have been adopted.