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Nicholas 6 Boxer Pups

(Altered) — Date of Birth: 05/23/2009 (15 years old (Senior))
Boxer / Husky Mix
What a sweet bunch of pups. This litter loves to be held and cuddled. They are very much people dogs. They are a pretty mellow litter and are good with toddlers/children. Nikki is the big sister. She keeps the others in line. She like to be first at everything even if it's for medication (yuk). She usually sleeps in the food bowl. I think its to make sure she is first in line for food. Nessa is the middle female. She's fun to be with. When there's a group of pups playing she's always in there. Often she is the one on the bottom. Being on the bottom doesn't necessarily mean your losing. She? on the bottom of the pile lying on her back. She nips at the bellies and legs of the pups on top of her. It's the top pups that are crying. I've even seen her grab a sleeping pup by the tail and drag them across the floor. She'll do anything to get them to play with her. Nina is the smallest female. She's on a different schedule then the other pups. Usually when the others are playing she's sleeping in the corner. When the others are sleeping she's up playing around. Nekka is the big brother. He has a heart of gold. He will just melt you with his blue eye. I've often seen him head butt his siblings. He will wait until they are not looking and ram his head into their side. Which of course tips the pup over. Very funny to watch. Nelson is the middle male. He is the typical middle child. Sometimes he gets overlooked. If this happens he will whine to let me know. It's like he's telling me "I didn't get my turn." He loves to play with Nessa most of all. Neo is the smallest male. He just loves all the affection he can get. If there is an empty lap in the area Neo will fill it. He gives lots of sweet little gentle kisses as well. What a sweetie! If you're searching for a pup to both give and receive affection look no further. No one can love you more then these guys. Nikki, Neka, Neo, Nina and Nelson are adopted.