Hi everyone! As we are approaching Thanksgiving, I thought it was the perfect time to send a letter from home. 7 years ago, we adopted a rescue from your organization, who had started as Fiona, changed to Keisha during her first adoption, back to Fiona upon her return to your group, until one day we walked in and were blessed to find her. Her name for the past 7 years has been Annie aka Little Orphan Annie. We adopted Annie while we had one child and I was 7 months pregnant with our second. Three years after the birth of our second child, we welcomed identical twins to our family. Annie is beyond a blessing to this large family. We could not have asked for a more loving, patient dog sibling to all four of our boys. She is the best friend to every member of this family and true gift. We are thankful every day that she chose us.
Happy Thanksgiving, The Winter family