We wanted to share with you the sad passing of Sandy (adopted as April…10/11/2009) on 10/7/2024. Sandy lived a great life for 15 years and 2 months. She was born on 7/31/09 and came from Fayetteville, WV where you found her. She blessed our home for 15 + golden years and our two daughters and our lives was complete with her. Sandy lived every day of her life at home and was not even boarded one day of her life! She was goofy, weird, wise and loved sweet-peppers and beans as treats and was doted upon every single day. She thought she was human than a canine and only enjoyed the company of humans 🙂 She loved long walks, which she did for everyday of her life, until her last week. She showered endless love and even at her last minute, she lifted her head and gave my wife and daughter one last lick before she had no more to give. The miracle of life is how a stray from WV found a forever home in immigrants from India and was an angel who came from above to take care of us as much as we think we did of her. We wanted to thank you for finding April and giving us the gift of bringing Sandy into our lives and will forever remember her and look to join her across the rainbow bridge one day.
Thank you, Suresh Visvanathan, Subha, Tanvi and Tanya