Dear Folks,
Enclosed you will find a check in rememberance of Stevie a black Chihuahua Mix that I adopted from AFH twenty years ago, or there about. I have had him since he was adopted in 2006. He was my companion, my clown, my sidekick and the reason I care to also care for two more chihuahuas. He gave me years of pleasure and was known in the neighborhood for his adventuresome ways.
One day there was a knock on my door and when I opened it, a young guy from the street was standing there. He said, “That’s him”….(pointing to Stevie who was standing beside me). “He stole my sandwich!” ?The guy had been working in his yard and turned away for a moment and when he turned back he saw Stevie with his subsandwhich hanging out of both sides of his mouth, trotting off back home. The guy followed him and told on him and I fixed him a replacement sandwich.
I justed wanted to thank you for all the effort you put into saving lives, day in and day out. I have certainly benefitted from your generosity.
Sincerely Lois