Hello, We are heartbroken to share that our Magnolia “Maggie” Grahame passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Dec. 26, 2023 from acute Leukemia. She was her sweet, smiley and bouncy self right up until the bitter end—she never showed us any signs of how sick she was inside. Originally M pups Mandy, we renamed our sweet girl Magnolia in honor of the state in which she and her littermates were found, Mississippi. From the day we met her, Maggie was our best friend and our biggest blessing. She was there when my husband and I got engaged, when we got married, when we bought the house we were renting, and present during just about every project that came after that. She saw us through difficult family losses and other trials and tribulations, and was always the brightest light in our lives. Whenever we were going through a tough time, we’d say “at least we have our Maggie.” Maggie loved truck rides (especially to the farm), running around the garden, chasing “wiggles” aka squirrels, playing ball (and keep-away), getting cozy under blankets, napping in HER circle chair, following her Dad anywhere and everywhere he went, brushing her “teef” (via Greenies), and kissing all of her many family and friends. To know Maggie was to love Maggie, and we are heartbroken that our time together was cut so short. Thank you for trusting us with Maggie, who gave us the best 3.5 years any puppy parent could ask for. We hope she is running through endless fields with her friends and family in Heaven, and look forward to the day when “the three best friends” can be reunited again.
Rachael and Mason