….Nellie Newcomb passed away June 2017 yes 2017. I have been meaning to contact you since then. I have never loved a pet as much as I loved her so I guess that is why I put it off so long. …She was described as Black and Tan Coonhound Mix and came from the Page County Shelter where she might have been named Roxy. She was Nellie at AFH and we kept that name. She weighed 35 pounds when we took her and gain about 5 more over the years. She had a very happy life and was everything we dreamed of in a dog. She became bonded with our “lab mix” pound puppy Kailey and they lived out their lives together with Kailey passing on about a year after Nellie. NellieĀ developed tumors I believe a year or so before her death but was able to remain pain free. Well thank you for the wonderful dog.