Hello – we adopted Celeste ( whom we renamed Sophie) in 2007ish when she was about 6 months old and we were a foster family for you in Chantilly. We didn’t even make it the 3 blocks home from her pick up before I knew she was meant for us. We called her our happy accident of genetics – we had our guesses but whatever the mix was she was purely wonderful. Full of joy, life, spunk, grit- maybe a little short on common sense. We were grateful she was not our human child as she would have put us in an early grave but as our dog she only gave us a few more gray hairs along with the happiness she brought our whole family. Always game to go for a hike, always ready to tell us what she needed. The vet said he had no idea how this dog continued to walk since she had no joints left to speak of, but, until this last year, that never slowed her down, tail always wagging, happy face always ready for more fun. more. The steroids the vet gave Sophie gave a couple of nice months to enjoy the spring, enjoy us, just be Sophie – at 33 rpm, but still Sophie. Yesterday seemed a little different- fewer wags, more far away looks. That was redoubled today. She was saying it was time. So we are spent our morning cuddling, rubbing and reminding her how important she is to us. The vet came at one. We will miss her every day. See her playing get the baby at age 15 https://youtube.com/shorts/F5Tl4hrcKYc