Twelve and a half years ago, we adopted a Great Pyranees/Boxer pup named Abby. She came to us with that name as the foster family had originally named the litter – and her name just stuck. From the beginning, her personality shined. She was strong but gentle dog who loved her daily walks. She was smart and learned the ways of our home quickly. She even taught us a few tricks, like bringing us a toy meant she wanted a treat. We fell for it every time. She was a loyal companion who was a playmate and pillow to our two boys and a foot warmer to my husband and me. She was a persistent friend to our cat, Penny, who reluctantly warmed to her and later became her snuggle buddy. Although gentle with the kindest brown eyes, she had a fierce bark that would always alert us to delivery drivers and solicitors. She always made us feel safe although we knew she’d be the first to welcome them in after her initial reaction. Abby was introduced to her new friend, Hazel, about five and a half years ago. She was the big sister to our beagle right from the start and showed her the ropes on the how our home operated. They were best friends until the end. Throughout the years she has been by our sides to witness and participate in celebrations and comfort us in our time of need. Except this time. We laid our dear Abby to rest on Monday, March 6, next to her original friend, Penny, on our farm in West Virginia. We will miss her pleasant demeanor and her unwavering loyal companionship but take comfort in the memories we made with her for more than a decade. We hope you’re once again running at full speed “Wooby!” You’ll always be in our hearts.