Dear Forever-Home Rescue Foundation,

I lost my sweet Roxy July 16, after 16+ years of loyal love and companionship. Part of my heart went with her. When I lived in Middleburg years ago, I adopted Roxy from a Pet-Smart in Chantilly during an adoption event sponsored by A Forever-Home Rescue Foundation (5.10.2006). Though my time in Middleburg was short, Roxy came with me when I moved back to my home town of Chesapeake, VA. Anyone who is a pet owner knows that this type of love has no boundaries. I gave her the best life I could, and she gave me many, many times more to me. In May Roxy was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and she did well until July. The Lap of Love foundation came to my house and helped transition Roxy to the other side. Roxy went very peacefully. It will take a long time for me to get used to not having her presence in my life, but she is and will always be in my heart. I have so many great memories of Roxy and I will always support and be ever grateful to FHP rescue for giving me the gift of adopting her.
So from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.
Sincerely, Elizabeth