We have so many foster needs for mommies and pups. Just one of them is Cookie. She is a beautiful 3-year old Cur mix. She weighs 30 pounds. This precious girl had 12 puppies on 3/27/21. They will be 6 weeks old when they arrive and they can go home when they are 8 weeks old. Her owner was moving to Las Vegas from Louisiana and claimed that the puppies weren’t nursing (which wasn’t true) and wanted to dump them with our rescue partner and take mom with her. The puppies were just a few days old. Our rescue partner wasn’t going to let that happen and took in the whole family.
If you can help Cookie or any of our available mommies and pups, please e-mail vo*******@af**********.org. We would love to have you join our team and save all of these innocent babies and moms.